Taking on a challenge

See this Instagram photo by @wolfienthesneak * 13 likes

My most recent projects (for a couple different clients!) has been a departure from my usual botanical work. A challenge every once in a while is pretty nice, so it's been a fun break! Once these are finalized and released into the public wild, I'll post with links so you can see how and what they're used for.

See this Instagram photo by @wolfienthesneak * 12 likes

Can you hear me now?

This is the beginning of something (a print? a pattern? a pile of paper for the recycling?). I've been walking around town, snapping photos of the elephant ears dominating the transitional landscaping. I love the ways the veins replicate natural systems, the veins create detailed patterns and maps of imaginary watery worlds.

See this Instagram photo by @wolfienthesneak * 2 likes

This painting by Mabel seems to replicate the pattern in the leaves just perfectly! Maybe she'll teach me how she did it so I can use the same technique when I'm ready to add color. Or maybe I should just let her add the color?