Toasty Toes

Back to our regularly scheduled blabber, but the copyright issues that have been the content of this blog the past several weeks aren't going away. It's just time for a little distraction, plus some internet friends and I are working on a way keep the dialog going in a positive, educational, empowering direction. . . So say hello to distraction # 1: warm and toasty toes.
Maybe it's all because of Mabel and I have to be aware of her level of warmth, but I keep thinking Charlie needs some winter boots. Here are some options, based on the following considerations: warmth, comfort, price (under $200), quality (they need to last for years and years), style, and reviews I've read online. Hi-C is the pickiest person I've ever met as far as shoe comfort goes. Don't get me wrong, I like a comfy pair of shoes, but this dude has more pairs of shoes he won't wear because they aren't sneaker-cushy. Seriously.
So, what keeps your Mr's (or your own?) toes toasty, comfy and stylish all winter long? The boots above, starting with the upper left and going clockwise, are made by Keen, Merrell, Sorel, and The North Face.
Anyone have some input?