A weekend in segments

I spent the weekend doing a bit of this. Charlie wasn't feeling well, so we stayed parked in front of the TV for the most part.
Well, there was a trip to get a beautifully old kid's school desk.

A certain someone tried out finger painting for the very first time. She wasn't sure what to do with the paint. Swirling it around on paper seemed like less fun than feeling it between clapping palms and taste testing the different colors.

I gave her a few paint brushes since she likes to play with mine.
Check out that shirt. I guess we'll find out exactly what they mean by washable paint.
I got a little bit of time on the computer, too. Playing with some old drawings and scanning and coloring new ones. It took all the self-restraint I could muster not to buy a lot of 25 vintage equestrian rosettes I found on eBay while looking for color inspiration.

Did you have a relaxing weekend? What sort of fun did you get into?