A plot to fail

As a dabbler in gardening, art, home repair, cooking, greening, and general wellness, every once in a while the world seems to speed up around me and I can't get anything accomplished. Notice I didn't say "mom" above? That's because it's the most integrated role, the one that I don't dabble in, that is integrated into who I am, and also the part of my life that takes 90% of my energy.

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When something else starts encroaching on my energy stores, everything is thrown out of balance. That's when the world spins and I can't reach out to stop it unless I start paring back. Don't judge me, I know it's not a healthy balance, it's just the one I've come up with to keep doing the things that interest me.

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Lately, though, I've been in the center of an energy vortex and have had to make thoughtful decisions about what to keep and what to let go. I sent an email asking if there was someone who wanted a booth at my favorite art market. (For artists: never leave the organizers stranded! If they can't find someone to fill your spot you still better show up.)

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The real energy suck was the community garden. I've been a part of the garden for 5 years, and spent the last 2 managing it. There were problems in the garden that we didn't have in our home garden (and vice versa) including things like not having continuous access to a mower or weed eater. Bermuda grass that thrives year after year. Volunteers with great intentions who come along, start a project and never finish it. There were about 4 or 5 of us who would work 4 hours a week taming the demons, growing food to nourish our bellies and to nourish the recipients of the local meals on wheels program.

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So I read books, I learned ways to plant seeds in lieu of using gas-powered equipment. I researched, planned, sourced, and worked. I watched the seeds grow and could see success in the very near future...as in 2 weeks away. In 2 weeks we'd be there, fully planted, most of the Bermuda grass eradicated.

 I was excited, I was thrilled, and I was proud.

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And you know what they say about pride.

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I feel silly crying about a garden as I type this, but it's part of gardening, right? The loves, the losses. This place that has been my Saturday morning sanctuary suddenly became an energy zapper as I was told repeatedly that it didn't look good. That the work I put into it was an eye sore. I clawed and scraped for answers, solutions, tried to explain the bigger picture. I explained the course of action, cheaper and greener than chemicals or tilling.

See this Instagram photo by @wolfienthesneak * 7 likes

Early on I was told the garden model wouldn't be sustainable, so for 5 years I fought to find a way to make it sustainable: less input needed for weeding counting on fewer volunteers each week, healthier soil so less amendments needed,  the addition of perennial vegetables so there's always something edible. It was well on its way to my vision, it was taking off.

And all it took were a few text messages, a few words to pull it all down on top of me. My vision wasn't acceptable. "People are complaining."

See this Instagram photo by @wolfienthesneak * 14 likes

I forgot the stigma of unkempt grass.

And it occurred to me: I'd worked so hard on the sustainability of the garden, but not on my emotional sustainability. I couldn't work through feeling like a failure, I just had to let it go.

A plot of dirt, so deeply entwined in my veins that I know it's time to walk away.

***You guys, I don't know what's going on with the comments. They aren't appearing and they aren't showing up under the moderation tab. If you tried to enter the giveaway, send me a message through the "contact me" page. Entries close Friday, April  at 11:59 EST.***

On a bragging* note,  I recently worked with Brika to create a design for their collaboration with Lord and Taylor. I drew roses for days (weeks!) to create a pattern. Brika took it from there and created a beautiful* line of goods for Lord & Taylor's in-store Birdcage pop-up shop, and online they've featured them in their Must Give Mother's Day Gifts collection!

*You get to brag on your own website, right?

A giveaway from Canvas Factory

Every once in a great while I am approached by a company to review a product. If it involves me getting something for free I usually accept. A few weeks ago Canvas Factory asked if I wanted a free canvas print and a free print to give away. Of course I said yes.

I decided to do one of my favorite phone pics, a total mom-moment: the family at the beach building drip castles. The prices at Canvas Factory astounded me, but there was a sale going on that made the prices appear more reasonable. I have a feeling it's a permanent sale, I'm not sure they'd have any orders charging nearly $60 for an 8" x 8" print.

Ordering was simple and straightforward, they offer different options for the sides of the canvas so it's not just white/blank. I placed the order and it came within a few days. The quality is great and the image really makes me happy.

I was prepared to write a great review when I pushed the box out of the way and thought the label looked a little odd. It was then I noticed the label was an international one and suddenly the awkward language of the email conversation made sense. The company is based in China! It never crossed my mind that they could possibly be halfway around the world and schlepping a product I could just as easily have printed through a dozen places much closer to home.

All that said, I still have a code for a free 16 x 20" print from Canvas Factory if you're interested! All you have to do is comment below and tell me if you've ever had a canvas print made and where you ordered it.  Would ordering a print from China deter you from using a company if the price is right?

(Disclaimer: If I didn't make it clear enough above, I was given a product to review here. As much as I love free stuff, all opinions are my own.)

Again and again

"Adding bits and pieces back into the bedroom. How do you even have a grown up bedroom when kids pretty much make every room "lived in"?"

I don't know how many times I've reworked my bedroom since starting this blog. It's a lifelong goal, I guess, because I can remember rearranging my bedroom as a young girl, removing all the drawers from the antique dresser, sitting on my butt, and scooting the dresser across the floor by pushing with my legs, using all my might.

"The long and slow process of finding bedding I like."

We've had 3, maybe 4? and not including the times the mattress was on the floor, beds. Green walls, taupe walls, tan walls, navy walls...a multitude of arrangements and changes in rooms. Once I get started on thinking about the room, the vibe I want, I fixate. Lately I've been taking some time right before bed to read books of my own interest, then read to and with M, and for some reason that got me thinking about nice comfy pillows for sitting up in bed to read.

I've been using pieces of fabric to see which colors or textures I like. I've made 2 sets of euro pillow covers then ended up buying a set of tan ones from Ikea (which are more like a place holder than there for the duration).

"Draping fabric to decide on a long lumbar pillow. Bedtime reading comfort is a new priority."

We now have Sherwin Williams Blue Peacock walls, which is really way more green than blue; perhaps Teal Peacock is a better name. The bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn outlet sheets (Rosie Dot, which are organic but stiff and crunchy even after washing), a cotton and linen blend quilt from Target (far prettier in person),  giant dusty blush throw from Target, and the tan euro pillow covers from Ikea.

I found an old camp blanket in the giant truckload of fabric we inherited from Charlie's grandma that perfectly matches the throw. I want to make it into an extra long lumbar pillow...except that I'm just so tired of DIY projects. The satisfaction of "I made that" seems to have dulled and I feel like I won't value the pillow if I make it. I'll constantly be on the lookout for something more sophisticated. Of course, the other pillows I love, the ones that I would buy if I could, are around $200 (!?!?!!!) and are an impossibility.

How do those home bloggers do it? It's been 10 years and I still haven't pulled the bedroom together, much less over a weekend. Do you ever feel like DIYing a solution doesn't maintain the same value as a purchased option?  

It's a free for all

"Foraged greens for soup!"

As I last posted, the community garden is covered in green. Not only are there plots of cover crops, but there are a few large areas of lamium/dead nettle and chickweed.

Last Saturday I harvested dead nettle, chickweed, dandelion greens, and sorrel to make a pureed green soup. I'm not a big smoothie fan (they go down too fast for me) so a rich warm soup is a great way to enjoy the benefits of these "wild" greens.

"Non nom: dead nettle, chickweed, sorrel, elephant garlic soup"

I've been reading Katrina Blair's The Wild Wisdom of Weeds. From her book: Dandelions are rich in beta-carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, and Vitamins C, D, and E. Chickweed is rich in antioxidants, Vitamins A C D B6 and B12. From other sources I've learned dead nettle is an important supply of nectar to bees, anti-inflammatory, and also loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Cauliflower Sorrel Soup

This recipe was loosely based on Gayla Trail's potato sorrel soup recipe, though I couldn't find my copy of the book with that particular recipe (Easy Growing). I've probably loaned it to someone, which means I just need to go get another copy for myself. Her books don't come back readily.

  • one onion, sliced
  • 4 bulbs elephant garlic, smashed
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • one head cauliflower, pulled apart into florets
  • 4 cups chicken stock (or vegetable....something rather bland)
  • 8 cups mild flavored greens
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • grated ginger, salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste

Sautee the onion and elephant garlic in butter until translucent, but not golden. Stir in stock, add cauliflower. Simmer until cauliflower is soft. Add rinsed and drained greens and simmer until well-wilted. Blend with an immersion blender until uniformly pureed. Add milk, season with ginger, salt, etc.